
Import and distribution

Over the years, Universal has developed a wide network of providers across the world, enabling it to offer a wide range of products and solutions designed for companies and small businesses in various industries.

Advice and technical support

Draw by professionals in the field, and specialists in the world of the chemistry, our strategy aims to cover all the needs necessary for a choice wise and successful materials, or for technical solutions.

Transport and Logistics

Thanks to its expertise in the field, the Universal benefits of a transportation service and logistics based on the reactivity, flexibility and reliability and allow him to to ensure the smooth delivery of the goods to its customers and securing their goods when receiving, storage, or preparation of the commands.

Sustainable Development

Our efforts to continuous development of our product range, aimed at the creation of a wealth of choice for manufacturers of all sectors. Safety and respect for the environment : our company ensures observance of new regulations to the display and the ecological requirements combining the environmental awareness and civic responsibility.