About Us

Who are we?

Universal is a provider of basic chemicals products, established in Tunisia since 1988.
Through a long-term vision and a reliable and sustainable development strategy,
bénéficie aujourd’hui de 30 ans d’expérience et continue toujours à offrir à ses partenaires-clients une gamme diversifiée de produits chimiques, l’accompagnement et le conseil dans presque tous les secteurs industriels.


Universal s’est lancée dans le domaine de la chimie industrielle, comme étant le représentant unique et exclusif de BP Chemicals, crée en 1924.
Ayant réussi à décrocher par la suite l’agence du groupe Univareurope,
The entrepreneur, engineer in industrial and expert in
plasturgie, renforça sa présence dans le monde du business et n’hésita pas à nouer des relations avec plusieurs passionnés du monde de la chimie originaires du monde entier, initiant ainsi le tissage de son large réseau de fournisseurs.
Universal ne cessa ainsi de se développer pour entamer un nouveau cycle de sa vie, marqué par le déménagement de ses locaux d’un simple appartement situé au cœur du capital tunisien vers un nouveau bâtiment, muni d’un espace suffisant pour le stockage des biens au niveau de Sidi FATHALLAH, une des plus anciennes zones industrielles tunisiennes.

Philosophy and culture

Depuis son existence, le nom UNIVERSAL était toujours associé à l’esprit sérieux de ses dirigeants.
A corporate culture, which has emerged in key aspects:
Selection criterion of suppliers, recruitment criteria, communication quality level
avec les partenaires-clients ainsi que l’entretien et l’organisation de ses locaux,
Our target is perfection!

Our Mission

A company that operates in a sustainable way, based on the good management of an activity,
which was carried out in compliance with its global strategy.
A company which serves at a time the client, the supplier and targeting the product and whom
culture est caractérisée par la prédominance de l’entente et de la cohésion d’équipe.

We aim to make Universal a work environment that prioritizes the notion of well-
being at work and strengthening of internal corporate communication.

Our Vision

We want to maintain the position of leading supplier of chemicals in
Tunisia, which will constantly be renowned for the high quality of its products, ensuring continuity
of its services and expertise in the world of chemistry.
We strive to continuously be defined as a reference company and the best in our field.
Our main objectives are the participation in the evolvement of our industrial collaborators
as well as the development of the Tunisian industrial sector along with the
economic performance of the country while integrating better corporate responsibilities with
special emphasis on the environment protection.

Our Policy

In order to consolidate our position in a market that is becoming more and more
demanding, we are committed to a quality approach.
We believe that this is the most appropriate way to mobilize and unite
all energies at all levels.
The main objectives of our quality policy revolve around the following axes :

Implement all the means to ensure the full satisfaction of our customers.

Strengthen the partnership relationships with our clients, but also with
our suppliers and other stakeholders in the market.

Develop new products and services without
to lose sight of the safety of others and the protection of the environment.

Consider all the risks for a better quality of our products and services.

Improve the process, the working conditions and skills of the staff.